CRC TRR 228 Project A04

Future Conservation

Towards an African Eden? Shifting bio-cultural frontiers and the (re)coupling of social-ecological relations in the conservation areas

A04 Future Conservation


We want to explore different manifestations of conservation and how conservation landscapes were designed and planned, as well as to understand what visions for the future are being formulated. We are particularly interested in ways that take the critique of existing approaches to conservation seriously and that explore new strategies of human and more than human coexistence.

Project Summary

Project A04 continues its work on practices of large-scale conservation in southern and eastern Africa. It will pursue research in both prior field sites (Namibia’s Zambezi Region and Kenya’s Baringo County) and widen its efforts in the KAZA transboundary conservation area including conservation areas in south-western Zambia. While the Namibian Zambezi Region is characterized by a declining significance of subsistence agriculture, increasing relevance of social transfers, continued significance of migrant labour, and a rapidly growing tourism sector, south-western Zambia’s population is highly dependent on agriculture, extractive resource exploitation (e.g. timber harvesting), and labour migration. In both settings, traditional authorities wield significant­ ­influence and conflict and cooperation between them, the government, and numerous NGOs shape environmental governance. In eastern Africa the project will concentrate on a large wetland conservation area, Lake Baringo and its savannah hinterlands (after successfully working on highland adjoining forest areas in the Lake Baringo catchment in the first phase). In contrast to the well-established conservation conditions of the KAZA conservation area, the situation in the Baringo region is highly fragmented. Lake Baringo itself has maintained a sizeable population of aquatic fauna, and the Lake Baringo wetland is of crucial significance for fishermen, and also for pastoralists and agro-pastoralists living along the lake and in its hinterlands, and eco-tourists visiting the lush savannah wetlands.

Research Regions: KAZA TFCA; Lake Baringo Area, Kenya

Social-ecological transformation in southern and eastern Africa is increasingly shaped by different forms of conservation: national parks, transboundary conservation areas, community-based conservation and conservation on freehold farmland. This project focuses on the coupling of social, cultural and material dynamics in social-ecological systems under various regimes of conservation from the perspective of political ecology, neo-materialist as well as multi-species approaches.

  • How and to what degree do households incur costs and benefits from conservation? How are such costs/benefits distributed within households and across communities?
  • In what way do incomes from conservation spur rural inequality? To what extent are they an option for rural poor to diversify their livelihoods and gain more security?
  • How are projects of conservation co-produced between local power brokers, national elites, governmental officers, and international actors?
  • How is conservation linked to other processes, such as economic intensification, infrastructure development, rewilding, ecological invasions, or defaunation?
  • What role do specific multispecies assemblages play in the planning and implementation of conservation projects and what insights can we, as anthropologists, gain by using the multispecies approach in the conservation context?

Qualitative ethnographic methods; structured and semi-structured interviews; household surveys; cognitive methods; cultural mapping; participatory observation; essay writing.

The conservation landscape and its environmental infrastructure in north-eastern Namibia has been shaped by the impact of administrative measures and the gradual decoupling of humans and wildlife in a vast wetland. The path towards today’s conservation landscape was marked and marred by the enforced reordering of human-environment relations. In Kenya, colonial and postcolonial governmental projects of conservation and development transformed forest landscapes, and still continue shaping their ecologies, the lives of their inhabitants and forest-people relations.

(2) Beyond conservation, cattle husbandry in the Zambezi Region is a project of the local population, being an expression of wealth and as a means of saving. At the same time, cattle can be used in farming activities, produce milk and meat for consumption and sale, and fulfil important social functions (i.e. bridewealth payments or cattle loans). However, the needs and practices of expanding cattle husbandry often conflict with the demands and challenges of conservation and conservation-related tourism.

(3) The travelling idea of conservation (and CBNRM in particular) is often detached from the lives of conservancy members who are confronted with the repercussions of conservation, such as human wildlife conflicts or past displacements. For most conservancy members conservation is by far not as relevant as other livelihood strategies, which raises the question to what extent community-based conservation, as practiced today, is a viable future option for many smallholders in the conservancies.

(4) In Baringo, despite rights that allow residents to use public forests in certain ways, they often feel cut off from the benefits of forest exploitation. In turn, some subsistence practices in the forest conflict with governmental conservation goals, in a highly politicized context.

(5) Communities that were displaced in the designation and making of a conservation landscape in the Zambezi Region complain about, protest against and legally contest their estrangement from their former homes that now have become protected areas. They are often relegated to supply cheap manual labour or engage in ‘cultural’ events to well-paying tourists who visit their former ancestral land, a region that is now inhabited by large herds of wildlife and where little or nothing reminds visitors of earlier inhabitants. In Baringo, former forest dwellers are claiming justice for historical evictions from forest areas by colonial and post-independence governments for conservation and exploitation purposes. We argue that conservation of biodiversity can only be successful if issues of past and present environmental injustices are addressed comprehensively.

(6) In Baringo, despite formal dispossessions of forest areas, local populations continue living with the forests. Extensive ecological knowledge and practices of care bind residents to the forest and structure the local economic and social life.

(7) Intimate relations between people and natural environments are determining in the negotiation of future conservation and livelihoods. In Baringo, Kenya, forest histories are reappropriated in political claims. In these struggles, the role of traditional authorities regains significance and cultural identities are being reframed.

Project A04 is the only project that directly focusses on the political ecology of various conservation measures as major trajectories of future-making in rural Africa. A04 aims to contribute relevant data on social-ecological coupling for all other projects engaged in research in the southern African KAZA area and the Kenyan Baringo area.

Our project is strongly linked to the ERC Rewilding ( that is conducting research on a variety of multispecies assemblages in the KAZA TFCA in southern Africa.


Basukala, A.K., Vehrs, H.P., Bollig, M., Greiner, C., Thonfeld, F. 2019. Spatial-temporal analysis of land-use and land-cover change in East Pokot, Kenya. Documentation, ZFL, Bonn, Germany. DOI: 10.5880/TRR228DB.2

Basukala, A.K., Vehrs, H.P., Bollig, M., Greiner, C., Thonfeld, F. 2019. Dataset: Spatial-temporal analysis of land-use and land-cover change in East Pokot, Kenya. CRC/TRR228 Database (TRR228DB). DOI: 10.5880/TRR228DB.1

Bollig, M. 2018. Themenheft “Naturschutz – Teilhabe und Konflikte.” Geographische Rundschau 70 (12), darin: Naturschutz und Naturschutzgebiete weltweit: Chancen und Herausforderungen” (p.4-9) und “Gemeinschaftsbasierter Wildschutz in Nord-Namibia” (p.30-37).Link

Bollig, M. 2018. Afterword: Anthropology, Climate Change and Social-Ecological Transformations. Sociologus 68:85-94. Link

Bollig, M. 2019. The Anxieties, Thrills, and Gains of Rarity and Extinction: From Discourses on Remnant Fauna to the Globalized Protection and Marketing of Endangered Wildlife in Namibia’s “Arid Eden”. In S. Gänger & Bollig, M. (eds). Forum: Commodifying the “Wild”: Anxiety, Ecology and Authenticity in the Late Modern Era. Environmental History 24 (4). Link

Bollig, M. Future Conservation in Africa: Conserving what, and for whom, and how to do it? In: Greiner, C., van Wolputte S., & Bollig, M. (eds), African Futures. ECAS 9. 2021. Leiden. Brill.

Bollig, M. 2021. Materiality, inequality, and future‐making as focal points of future engagement of economic anthropology with climate change. Economic Anthropology 8:180-182. (Contribution to the Forum “What does economic anthropology contribute to the understanding of climate change?). DOI

Bollig, M. 2020. Shaping the African Savannah: From Capitalist Frontier to Arid Eden in Namibia. Cambridge University Press. Link

Bollig, M., Mosimane, A., Nghitevelekwa, R., Lendelvo, S. 2023. Conservation, Markets & the Environment in Southern and Eastern Africa, Commodifying the ‘Wild’. Boydell & Brewer, Woodbridge. Full Text.

Bollig, M. & Vehrs, H.P. 2020. Abundant herds: accumulation, herd management and land-use patterns in a conservation area. Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice. Vol 10. Link

Bollig, M. and Vehrs, H.P. 2021. The Making of a Conservation Landscape: The Emergence of a Conservationist Environmental Infrastructure Along the Kwando River in Namibia’s Zambezi Region. In: Africa. 91. No. 2: 270-95. DOI

Casimir, M., Vehrs H.P. 2019. Commenting on the article: Comparative Study of Pastoral Property Regimes in Africa Offers No Support for Economic Defensibility Model, published by Moritz, M., Gardiner, E., Hubbe, M. und A. Johnson. In: Current Anthropology. 60(5): 609-36.

Greiner, C., Vehrs, H.P. & Bollig, M. 2021. ‘Land-use and Land-cover Changes in Pastoral Drylands: Long-term Dynamics, Economic Change, and Shifting Socioecological Frontiers in Baringo, Kenya’, Human Ecology. DOI

Kalvelage, L., Revilla Diez, J., Bollig, M. 2023. Valuing Nature in Global Production Networks: Hunting Tourism and the Weight of History in Zambezi, Namibia. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. DOI

Kalvelage, L., Bollig, M., Grawert, E., Hulke, C., Meyer, M., Mkutu, K., Müller-Koné, M., Revilla Diez, J. 2021. ‘Territorialising Conservation: Community-based Approaches in Kenya and Namibia’, Conservation and Society. Access Link

Kuiper, G., Kioko, E., & Bollig, M. (eds.) 2024. Agricultural Intensification, Environmental Conservation, Conflict and Co-Existence at Lake Naivasha, Kenya. Leiden: Brill. Link

Lacan, L. 2024. Forest Politics in Kenya’s Tugen Hills. Conservation Beyond Natural Resources in the Katimok Forest. Boydell & Brewer, Woodbridge. Link

Lacan, L. 2023. In the ruins of past forest lives: remembering, belonging and claiming in Katimok, highland rural Kenya, Journal of Eastern African Studies, DOI

Mosimane, A., Matengu, K. & Bollig, M.  Traditional authorities, conservation and commodification of the wild: a Namibian perspective. A Namibian perspective. In: Bollig, M., Mosimane, A. W., Nghitevelekwa, R., V. & Lendelvo, S. (eds), Conservation, Markets & the Environment in Southern and Eastern Africa Commodifying the ‘Wild’. 2023. Suffolk. James Currey.

Van Dam, A., van Engelen, W., Müller-Mahn, D., Agha, S., Junglen, S., Borgemeister, C., & Bollig, M. (2023). Complexities of multispecies coexistence: Animal diseases and diverging modes of ordering at the wildlife–livestock interface in Southern Africa. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 0(0). Full Text

Vehrs, H.P. 2022. ‘Pokot Pastoralism: Environmental Change and Socio-Economic Transformation in North-West Kenya’, James Currey, Future Rural Africa Series. Access Link

Vehrs, H.P., Kalvelage, L., Nghitevelekwa, R. 2022. ‘The Power of Dissonance: Inconsistent Relations Between Travelling Ideas And Local Realities in Community Conservation in Namibia’s Zambezi Region‘, Conservation & Society, [Epub ahead of print], Link to preprint

Vehrs, H.-P., Zickel, M., 2023. Can environmental injustices be addressed in conservation? Settlement history and conservation-induced displacement in the case of Lyanshulu in the Zambezi Region, Namibia. Human Ecology (2023) Full Text

Project News

website cover announcing a new publication

New Publication: Agricultural Intensification, Environmental Conservation, Conflict and Co-Existence at Lake Naivasha, Kenya

By Gerda Kuiper (African Climate and Environment Center – Future African Savannas (AFAS)), Eric Kioko (Project C03 Green Futures) and Michael Bollig (Project A04 Future ...
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poster advertising a book launch with lea lacan at the biea in nairobi

Book Launch: Forest Politics in Kenya’s Tugen Hills – Conservation Beyond Natural Resources in the Katimok Forest

Future Rural Africa researcher Léa Lacan (Project A04 Future Conservation) recently published her book “Forest Politics in Kenya’s Tugen Hills: Conservation Beyond Natural Resources in ...
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Modern Elephant Conservation and Environmental Anthropology in KAZA: Project A04 Contributes to the Wiesbaden Museum Exhibition

Future Rural Africa Project A04 Future Conservation and the closely intertwined “Rewilding the Anthropocene” research project from the University of Cologne are featured in the ...
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website post cover announcing the release of lea lacans new book

New Publication: Forest Politics in Kenya’s Tugen Hills – Conservation Beyond Natural Resources in the Katimok Forest

Researcher Léa Lacan, Project A04 Future Conservation, recently published the findings of her research conducted as a member of the Collaborative Research Centre Future Rural ...
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poster for a public lecture

GSSC Public Lecture: Animals and Global Racial Capitalism in an Age of Misanthropy -Juno Salazar Parreñas

This public lecture is organized by the ERC Rewilding the Anthropocene in Cooperation with the reseach hub Multidisciplinary Environmental Studies in the Humanities (MESH) and ...
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thumbnail for this entry of the wawili toolbox blog series

Wawili Toolbox Entry 6: Contested Roles and Expectations

The arrival at Mt. Paka and life among the pastoral community is something that will be explored below. Of course, in retrospect, many experiences appear ...
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Short Film: The Southern Buffalo Fence

By Wisse van Engelen (Project A04 Future Conservation). Disease transmission is an often overlooked form of human-wildlife conflict, yet animal diseases and veterinary interventions often ...
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Wawili Toolbox Entry 5: The Start of Fieldwork

When does research actually start? As a doctoral candidate, you don’t just hop on a plane, arrive in Kenya, travel to the research region, and ...
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Wawili Toolbox Entry 4: Introduction to our research area – The Amboseli ecosystem

The Amboseli ecosystem is the land that surrounds the Amboseli National Park found in south-western Kenya along the Kenya-Tanzania border, and lies on the northern ...
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Wawili Toolbox Entry 3: East Pokot

What’s East Pokot? East Pokot is a region named after a group of people called Pokot who live in Kenya. It’s a pastoral community with a ...
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Wawili Toolbox Entry 2: Betty, Francis and Richard

My name is Richard Kiaka. I am an anthropologist researching on a wide range of topics, especially on community conservation. I did fieldwork for my ...
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Wawili Toolbox Entry 1: Kudee and Peter

Karam nyoman! We would like to introduce ourselves: Kudee and Peter. As one of the two teams participating in the ‘Mtu ni Watu’ project, we ...
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Cover Image for a Website Post

Interdisciplinary Workshop: Rewilding Species, Landscapes, Society – Dialogues across the Humanities, the Social and the Natural Sciences

5-6 February 2024 Workshop organized by the ERC Rewilding, CRC-TRR 228 Future Rural Africa and Global South Studies Center (GSSC). AbstractRewilding is a relatively new ...
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Research Initiative Sharing a Planet in Peril invited to submit full proposal for a Cluster of Excellence

2 February 2024 The research initiative “Sharing a Planet in Peril” is building an international and interdisciplinary network of researchers in order to examine how ...
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Living with ruins: ruination and future-making in Kenya (and beyond) – CRC-TRR 228 Led Open Access Special Issue of Journal of Eastern African Studies

Uroš Kovač (Future Rural Africa Project B04 Projecting Futures) and Anna Lisa Ramella (Future Rural Africa Project C06 Testing Futures) edited a special issue of ...
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Cover image announcing the winner of the choice outstanding academic title award 2023

Joint Publication between CRC-TRR Future Rural Africa and University of Namibia among Outstanding Academic Titles 2023

The publication “Conservation, Markets & the Environment in Southern Africa: Commodifying the ‘Wild'”, edited by CRC-TRR 228 Future Rural Africa speaker Michael Bollig, Selma Lendelvo, ...
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Dr. Richard Kiaka and his research assistants

Future Rural Africa Researchers Awarded Cologne International Forum Innovative Tandem Project Grant

The University of Cologne’s International Forum is awarding five project grants (€ 15,000 each) annually for project-related innovative tandem collaborations between University of Cologne-based academics ...
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Cover of the university of cologne magazine depicting an elephant

[DE] Elefanten Kennen Keine Grenzen: Teilprojekt A04 “Future Conservation” & “ERC Rewilding the Anthropocene” im Kölner Unimagazin

Unser Teilprojekt A04 Future Conservation befasst sich in erster Linie mit Umweltschutz im südlichen und östlichen Afrika und erforscht die unterschiedlichen Ansätze, auf denen Naturschutz ...
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Image of a sign signaling the kenya-ethiopia border is 400m ahead

Publication: “Little Dubai” in the crossfire – trade corridor dynamics and ethno-territorial conflict in the Kenyan–Ethiopian border town Moyale

By Katrin Sowa, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Cologne. ABSTRACT Against the promise that new trade corridors in Africa lead to political ...
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[DE] Boas Blog: “Content Warning? Kritische und sensible Wissensvermittlung in der ethnologischen Lehre”

In dieser Ausgabe der “Contested Knowledge” Serie der Boasblogs befassen sich Hauke-Peter Vehrs (Future Rural Africa Projekt A04 “Future Conservation”), Lamine Doumbia (Universität Bayreuth) Katrin ...
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Cover Image with the Logos of the CRC "Future Rural Africa"

Publication: In the Ruins of Past Lives – Remembering, Belonging and Claiming in Katimok, Highland Rural Kenya

By Léa Lacan, Project A04 “Future Conservation” Abstract This article explores how local inhabitants living near the Katimok Forest in Baringo County, Kenya, engage with ...
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cover image with the logos of the crc future rural africa and the ERC rewilding

Cologne International Forum: Project Interview ERC Rewilding

The Cologne International Forum met with Léa Lacan, who is a researcher in the ERC Rewilding project and an associate team member of CRC-TRR 228 ...
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The Logo of ECAS Conference 2023

CRC-TRR Future Rural Africa at ECAS 2023

As ECAS 2023 is set to begin in Cologne on May 31, we are not only thrilled to announce that the CRC Future Rural Africa ...
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Picture showing the warning sign of a foot and mouth disease checkpoint

Collaboration between CRC Projects B02, C03, A04 and the ERC Rewilding leads to new interdisciplinary publication on “Complexities of multispecies coexistence”

By Arvid van Dam (Project B02), Wisse van Engelen (ERC Rewilding), Detlef Müller-Mahn (Project C03), Sheila Agha (Project B02), Sandra Junglen (Project B02), Christian Borgemeister ...
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poster announcing a joint crc & unam book launch

Joint Booklaunch: Future Rural Africa & University of Namibia

Windhoek, Namibia I TUE 28 February 2023    We are thrilled to announce the launch of two books based on research carried out in the ...
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Offermann Hergarten Prize Pokot Pastoralism by Hauke Peter Vehrs

Future Rural Africa Researcher Dr. Hauke Vehrs Awarded Offermann-Hergarten-Prize

The book “Pokot Pastoralism: Environmental Change and Socio-Economic Transformation” by Dr. Hauke Vehrs (CRC Project A04), published in May 2022 in the CRC-TRR 228 series by ...
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pokot pastoralism book presentation kenyatta university

Book Presentation: “Pokot Pastoralism: Environmental Change and Socio-Economic Transformation in North-West Kenya” by Dr. Hauke-Peter Vehrs

On Wednesday, October 12, the presentation of the book “Pokot Pastoralism: Environmental Change and Socio-Economic Transformation in North-West Kenya” took place at the Department of ...
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Courtesy of Ali Morshedlou on and

Public Lecture Social & Cultural Anthropology

On 7th of April 2022, CRC228 researcher Michael Bollig gave a public lecture on the topic “Social and Cultural Anthropology – challenges and options for ...
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poster Booklaunch_AfricanFutures

Virtual Booklaunch “African Futures” 22.04.2022

Join us for a virtual book launch event for an essay collection on “African Futures”, edited by Clemens Greiner, Steven van Wolputte and Michael Bollig ...
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lephants in a wildlife conservancy area

New Publication: Power of Dissonance: Travelling Ideas & Local Realities – Community Conservation in Namibia’s Zambezi Region

Abstract Environmental conservation is presented as a success story in Namibia’s Zambezi Region where conservation measures have led to an enormous increase in many wildlife ...
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lephants in a wildlife conservancy area

Publication: Power of Dissonance: Travelling Ideas & Local Realities – Community Conservation in Namibia’s Zambezi Region

Abstract Environmental conservation is presented as a success story in Namibia’s Zambezi Region where conservation measures have led to an enormous increase in many wildlife ...
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Picture of a man from a pastoral community herding cows. (Illustrative Picture From file)

Publication: Pokot pastoralism

Environmental Change and Soci-Economic Transformation in North-West Kenya. In East Africa and beyond, pastoral groups find themselves and their livelihoods under increasing threat when dealing ...
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Picture of a man from a pastoral community herding cows. (Illustrative Picture From file)

Publication: Land-use and Land-cover Changes in Pastoral Drylands

The ongoing fragmentation of pastoral drylands is a matter of concern throughout Africa. Using the example of rangelands in northern Baringo County, Kenya, that were ...
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Book cover, Securing land rights

New book: Securing land rights in Namibia

CRC associate member Romie Vonkie Nghitevelekwa of projects C05, ‘Framing Futures’ and A04, ‘Future Conservation’, has published her book, Securing land rights with UNAM press. ...
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A wetland area for conservation

Publication: The making of a conservation landscape

The Kwando Basin of north-eastern Namibia is firmly embedded in current national and international conservation agendas. It is a key part of the world’s largest ...
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Voices of rural communities

Voices of rural communities involved in community-based conservation in Namibia during the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak The Multidisciplinary Research Centre (MRC) of the University of Namibia ...
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A herd of cattle drinking water at a water point tank in Namibia. Picture courtesy of Hauke-Peter Vehrs

New Publication: Accumulation, herd management, and land-use patterns

New Publication: North-eastern Namibia’s Zambezi Region became part of the world’s largest transboundary conservation area in the early 2010s: the Kavango–Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area. While ...
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A picture of elephants in a conservation area

New Publication: Local value capture from tourism in Namibia

High hopes are pinned on tourism and its catalytic potential to foster growth in remote rural areas. In the Zambezi region of northeastern Namibia, tourism ...
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group of dogs standing on road

Future conservation: Anthropological perspectives on the (re)coupling of social-ecological relations in conservation areas

Future conservation: Anthropological perspectives on the (re)coupling of social-ecological relations in the conservation areas of southern and eastern Africa. Experiences from Namibia and Kenya. The ...
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Team Members

Portrait image of paula alexiou of project A04

Paula Alexiou

University of Cologne

portrait michael bollig

Prof. Dr. Michael Bollig

University of Cologne

portrait image of manuel bollmann

Manuel Bollmann

University of Cologne

portrait image of julia brekl

Julia Brekl

University of Cologne

portrait image of wisse van engelen

Wisse van Engelen

University of Cologne

portrait picture of dr. richard kiaka

Dr. Richard Kiaka

Centre for Wildlife Management Studies

portrait picture of emilie koehler

Emilie Köhler

University of Cologne

portrait image of lea lacan, researcher in project a04 future conservation

Dr. Léa Lacan

University of Cologne

Portrait of Paula-Linstaedter project A04

Paula Linstädter

University of Cologne

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Dr. Selma Lendelvo

University of Namibia

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Dr. Alfons Mosimane

University of Namibia

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Dr. Romie Nghitelevekwa

University of Namibia

portrait hauke peter vehrs

Dr. Hauke Peter Vehrs

University of Cologne

portrait image of peter wangai

Dr. Peter Wangai

Kenyatta University

portrait image of mirijam zickel

Mirijam Zickel

University of Cologne

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