Envisioning the Future of Rural Africa
Latest News
Researcher Ndapewa Fenny Nakanyete Reflects on Result Workshop in Bwabwata, Namibia
One Man’s Terrorist? Mishake Muyongo and the Caprivi African Nationalist Union: David Anderson Gives Lecture at University of Birmingham
Green Hydrogen and Namibia’s Future: Insights from Future Rural Africa Scientists Linus Kalvelage and Benedikt Walker
GSSC Seminar Series: Wildlife, Tsetse and Pathogens – Rewilding Between Disease Eradication and Coexistence in Southwestern Zambia with Léa Lacan
CRC-TRR Public Lecture: Sebastian Haug
CRC-TRR Future Rural Africa at Northeast Africa Forum, University of Oxford
New Publication: Claim-Making in Hydrosocial Spaces – The Temporality of Displacement Around Kenya’s Masinga Dam Reservoir
Joachim Knab, Alice Mitchell, Sabrina Msangi and Thomas Widlok Edit NJAS Special Issue on Framing Difference in Age and Generation in Africa
Vacancy: PhD Researcher in SNSF project “Curated Escapes and Derelict Landscapes in Times of Climate Change”
New Publication: Displaced Futures or Futures in Displacement? Anticipations Around the Proposed High Grand Falls Dam in Kenya
New Publication: Effects of Wildlife Conservation and Land Use Intensification on Heterotrophic Soil Respiration and Temperature Sensitivity (Q10) in Semiarid Savannas
New Publication: Seniority in Midwifery in Tanzania – Medical Local Practices Between Colonial Medicine and Postcolonial Modernization
Vacancy: Postdoctoral Researcher in VolkswagenStiftung Project „Medium-Scale Farmers in Rural Africa: Transformations in Belonging, Property, Kinship and Power“
Five Future Rural Africa Researchers Featured in Special Issue of Zamani Journal of African Historical Studies
New Publication: Local and Regional Food Production Diversity are Positively Associated with Household Dietary Diversity in Rural Africa
Picture: Nairobi, Kenya © wollwerth, Envato Elements
Our Projects
Exploring Future Making and Social-Ecological Transformation in Rural Africa
The CRC is structured in three project groups, each organized around a bridging concept that addresses specific aspects of SET and future-making. Project group A (‘coupling’) studies the articulation between social and ecological subsystems, B (‘boundaries’) looks at the shifting zones of interaction and confrontation, and C (‘linkages’) explores cross-scalar drivers, connections and causations. Empirical research focusses on development hubs in the Kenyan Rift Valley (KRV), the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT), and the Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA). The CRC builds upon profound research experience from the applicants and African partners, amplifies the unique combination of expertise at the universities of Bonn and Cologne, fosters partnerships with scholars and scientific institutions in Africa, and aims at making Bonn-Cologne one of the leading centres of innovative research in the emerging field of futures studies and social ecology in Africa.
CRC Events
We host a variety of events
We regularly organise a variety of events bringing together academics, experts, the general public and other stakeholders to discuss the results of research conducted within the CRC. The goal is to to explore innovative approaches to future-making in rural Africa and to address some of the challenges arising in the context of our research. Events include the CRC Public Lecture Series, various exhibitions aimed at transfering our research results to a wider audience and internal events such as summer schools, workshops, booklaunches, research-retreats and more.
Our Partners
CRC Members
Our Team of Experts
We are proud to have a talented and dedicated team of researchers and coordinating staff who are working together to achieve our mission. Our team of researchers is made up of individuals from a wide range of disciplines including geography, anthropology, political science, agroeconomics and soil science. The CRC emphasizes international collaboration and the contributions of team members from our African partner institutions are critical for our success.