14 – 15 September 2023 I Arusha, Tanzania
Parallel to the Future Rural Africa Summer School 2023, Project C05 Framing Futures organized a workshop in Arusha titled “Becoming (un)equal in age”. The workshop was co-hosted by Aga Khan University and took place at the Aga Khan University Arusha Campus.
In line with Project C05’s research outlook which is occupied with understanding how concepts of age and generation shape temporal frames of reference in future-making, the workshop aimed to explore how people ascertain who is junior, who is senior, and who is equal in everyday life, and for what purposes. The participants, all leading scholars in the context of age, generation and seniority, compared empirical examples from Africa and Europe on how age differentials are produced and negotiated in different communicative contexts.
The workshop was structured along six sessions, each dedicated to a specific aspect of age, namely egalitarian societies, childhood and interaction, linguistic strategies, society and language, age set societies as well as seniority and knowledge.