The Collaborative Research Center 228, Future Rural Africa Project, in conjunction with the Universities of Bonn and Cologne are recruiting for the following Doctoral, Post-Doctoral research and other positions. The job descriptions are available for download through the links below. For further information on the individual research projects, please visit the project pages here.
Currently open positions
Postdoctoral Researcher Position Future Carbon Storage (A01), University of Potsdam
Expired vacancies
3 Doctoral Researchers in Agricultural/ Development Economics
Student/Scientific Research Assistant (8-10 hours per week)
Expired – Doctoral Researcher Position Future Carbon Storage (A01), University of Bonn
Expired – Doctoral Researcher Position Future Carbon Storage (A01), University of Potsdam
Expired – Doctoral Researcher Position Future Roads Project (A05), University of Bonn
Expired – Doctoral Researcher Position Future Roads Project (A05), University of Cologne
Expired – Doctoral Researcher Scholarship: Invasive Futures Project (B01)
Expired – Doctoral Researcher Position Invasive Futures Project (B01)
Expired – Doctoral Researchers (2) Positions Science Futures Project (B05)
Expired – Doctoral Researcher Position Future in Chains Project (C01)
Expired – Post – Doctoral Researcher Position Energy Futures Project (C02), University of Bonn
Expired – Doctoral Researcher Position Energy Futures Project (C02), University of Cologne
Expired – Doctoral Researchers (2) Positions Green Futures Project (C03)
Expired – Doctoral Researcher Position Framing Futures Project (C05)
Expired – Doctoral Researcher Position Creating Health Futures (C07)