Future Rural Africa Supproject C05 Framing Futures aims to understand how concepts of age and generation shape temporal frames of reference in future-making and compare temporal frames of reference used by different CRC projects.

Project members Joachim Knab, Alice Mitchell, Sabrina Msangi and Thomas Widlok recently edited a special issue of the Nordic Journal of African Studies (NJAS) on “Framing Difference in Age and Generation in Africa”. The foundation for the special issue was laid during a workshop titled “Becoming (un)equal in Age”, organized by the project in September 2023 in Arusha, Tanzania.
The special issue features several contributions by fellow Future Rural Africa Researchers:
Framing Difference in Age and Generation in Africa: Introduction to the Special Issue
Joachim Knab, Alice Mitchell Sabrina Msangi, and Thomas Widlok (Project C05 Framing Futures)
Greyness Is Aged, Bearded Is Adult: Yoruba Age and Seniority
Augustine Agwuele
Linguistic Manifestations of Age-Grade Status in Iraqw Address Term Practices
Chrispina Alphonce
Veronica Kimani and Ulrike Lindner (Project C07 Creating Health Futures)
What Is ‘Old’ in Old Age? An Inquiry into Swahili Paremia
Ahmad Kipacha
Power and Age: The Case of the Pastoral Maasai Age Class System
Sam Maghimbi
Solange Mekamgoum
“I’m Bigger!”: Size Terms and Seniority in Datooga Children’s Interaction
Alice Mitchell (Project C05 Framing Futures)
Augmented Authority: How ‘Simplicating’ Medicine Hurt Sukuma Elderhood
Koen Stroeken
Akira Takada
Thomas Widlok (Project C05 Framing Futures)
Training as a Rite of Passage: Kenyan Geothermal Professionals Gaining Seniority in Iceland
Julia Wummel (Project C02 Energy Futures)
Knab, J., Mitchell, A., Msangi, S., & Widlok, T. (eds.) 2024. NJAS Special Issue: Framing Difference in Age and Generation in Africa, Nordic Journal of African Studies, 33(4), 2024. DOI