CRC TRR 228 Project B03

Violent Futures?

Contestations along the frontier

B03 Violent Futures


Apply the concept of frontiers to analyze the relations between future-making and dynamics of violence in East Africa.

Project Summary

B03 applies the concept of frontiers – shifting socio-spatial boundaries, defined by an expansive social order that is pushing into new terrain – to analyze the relations between future-making and dynamics of violence in East Africa. To this end, phase 1 conducted qualitative empirical research on large-scale infrastructure and conservation projects in pastoral rangelands – namely, the Lamu Port, South Sudan, and Ethiopia Transport (LAPSSET) corridor in Northern Kenya. Our findings served to further develop and refine our heuristic ­concept of frontiers.

In the current phase we will turn that concept into an ­analytical tool for undertaking systematic and comparative empirical research of development corridors in Kenya and Tanzania. We want to look into three additional case studies, each of which addresses a new aspect: Work Package 1 asks how an understanding of violent dynamics in frontier constellations can contribute to developing measures for mitigating their most destructive effects. It builds upon and further expands our field research in the Kenyan Northern Rift Valley where the LAPSSET corridor is planned. Work Package 2 investigates what analytical advantages can be gained from applying our frontier concept to regions where the socioeconomic context differs from the cases studied in the previous phase. In Narok County, located in the southern Kenyan Rift Valley, the planned standard-gauge railway (SGR) project cuts through a region which is no longer a purely pastoralist region but has already faced substantial socioeconomic changes. Work Package 3 investigates the changing social orders through the lenses of organized violence within Samburu county in Northern Kenya. This work package will examine to what extent in a frontier constellations do organized violence change. An additional Explorative Work Package (ExWP) studies the Central Corridor in Tanzania and will concentrate on variations in future-making practices. The Central Corridor cuts through pastoral rangelands like the LAPSSET corridor. However, the positioning of the state in Tanzania is characterized by a much stronger assertiveness than in Kenya. This is why the way developmental visions are projected and implemented differs. Hence, we hypothesize that the social transformations and the dynamics of violence will also be different than in the LAPSSET corridor. Due to the political situation in Tanzania, the ExWP has a rather testing character and is not located at the core of the 2nd phase of B03. Towards the end of phase 2, Work Package 4 will synthesize our findings from work packages 1, 2 and 3 as well as the ExWP. By investigating the interrelations between future-making practices at frontiers and violence, we intend to stimulate discussions also relevant to other project partners within the CRC about boundary-making as one of the CRC’s bridging concepts.

<span style="color:#2B71B5; font-weight:bold"Research Regions: Kenya, Tanzania

Large-scale planning schemes are usually accompanied by contested, future-oriented claim-making that, often enough, escalates into violent clashes or leads to new formations of organized violence (e.g. privatization, militarisation). The project aims to investigates such interplays between future-oriented claim making and organized violence. In the current phase we will turn the concept of frontiers into an analytical tool for undertaking systematic and comparative empirical research of development corridors in Kenya and Tanzania.

  • How can an understanding of violent dynamics in frontier constellations contribute to developing measures for mitigating their most destructive effects?


  • What analytical advantages can be gained from applying our frontier concept to regions where the socioeconomic context differs from the cases studied in the previous phase?
  • Qualitative Interviews with representatives of the government, communities, NGOs, and private companies
  • Analysis of various databases and the interactive map of violent incidents generated in phase one
  • Analysis of archival reports, media and secondary literature
  • Field visits and working sessions in Bonn and Kenya

We conducted qualitative field research along the LAPSSET corridor in Northern Kenya. Our main areas of research were the counties of Turkana, Samburu, Baringo, and Isiolo. With respect to our concept of frontiers, the following findings are important:

• State of exception: Large parts of the rangelands are trust land, administered by the counties on behalf of pastoral communities. It can therefore be acquired by the state with fewer legal constraints than titled freehold land.
• Frontier habitus: A ‘frontier habitus’ of planners that disregards existing social orders led to fears of marginalization, and loss of livelihood options among pastoral communities. The “dreamscape” of planners, however, also drew in different parts of the local population, who aspired towards venturing into agriculture, ranging, and new businesses.
• Dispossessions: Already rumours and mere announcements concerning the LAPSSET corridor exacerbated social inequalities through actual or threatened displacements and the reduction of rangelands.
• Blurring the lines: The new infrastructure development in combination with the presence of wildlife conservancies led to a blurring of the lines between armed state actors, the private sector, and security forces at the community level.
• Direct violence: Repeated quarrels over hoped-for benefits from the LAPSSET corridor have led to a reinforcement of ethnic boundaries accompanied by politically incited violence along county borders.

In a nutshell, the partially violent competition over land and boundaries and the blurring of the lines between state, private, and community structures of organized violence indicate an ongoing process of negotiation about social orders along the LAPSSET corridor.

Large-scale planning schemes initiate frontiers which emerge as fluid boundaries between different forms of land-use. Such frontiers are sites of contestations and violent conflicts, where contradicting imaginations of the future collide. Social-ecological transformation thus goes hand in hand with a re-arrangement of organized violence. The project highlights the unintended consequences of a certain vision (frontier habitus) that planners and entrepreneurs have of developing a supposedly ‘empty space’.


Bond, J. & Mkutu, K. 2018. ‘Exploring the hidden costs of human-wildlife conflict in northern Kenya’, African Studies Review, vol. 6, no.1, pp. 33-54. DOI

Grawert, E. 2019. ‘Between “strong institutions“and the “political marketplace”: layers of land conflicts in Northern Kenya’, in FriEnt Studies, vol. 7, Land and Conflict Prevention. How integrated solutions can help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, pp. 42-45, viewed 28 September 2020. Link

Kalvelage, L., Bollig, M., Grawert, E., Hulke, C., Meyer, M., Mkutu, K., Müller-Koné , M., Revilla Diez, J. 2021. ‘Territorialising Conservation: Community-based Approaches in Kenya and Namibia’, Conservation and Society. Access Link

Korf, B., Raeymaekers, T., Schetter, C. & Watts, M. 2018. ‘Geographies of limited statehood’, in T Risse, T. Börzel & A Draude (eds), The Oxford handbook of governance and limited statehood, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 167-187. DOI

Mkutu, K. 2023. The frontier on the doorstep: development and conflict dynamics in the southern rangelands of Kenya, Journal of Eastern African Studies, DOI

Mkutu, K., Müller-Koné, M.& Owino, A.E. , 2021. ‘Future visions, present conflicts: the ethnicized politics of anticipation surrounding an infrastructure corridor in northern Kenya, Journal of Eastern African Studies. DOI.

Mkutu, K. 2019. ‘Pastoralists, politics and development projects. Understanding the layers of armed conflict in Isiolo County, Kenya’, BICC Working Paper series, no. 7, 2019. viewed 28 September 2020. Link

Mkutu, K., 2020. ‘Security dynamics in conservancies in Kenya: The case of Isiolo County’, BICC Working Paper series, no. 3, 2020. viewed 28 September 2020. Link

Mkutu, K. & Mdee, A. 2020. ‘Conservancies, conflict and dispossession: the winners and losers of oil exploration in Turkana, Kenya’, African Studies Review, pp. 1-27. DOI

Müller-Koné, M., Grawert, E. & Schetter, C. 2020. ‘Zwischen Naturschutz und Gewaltkonflikten: Conservancies in Nordkenia‘, Geographische Rundschau, vol. 72, no. 5, pp. 16-21. Link

Mkutu, K., Mkutu, T. & Marani, M. 2019. ‘New oil developments in a remote area: environmental justice and participation in Turkana, Kenya’, The Journal of Environment & Development, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 223-252. DOI

Owino, E., Mkutu, K., Enns, C. 2023. Large Infrastructure Projects and Cascading Land Grabs: The Case of Northern Kenya, in Neef, A., Ngin, C., Moreda, T., Mollett, S. (eds) 2023.  Routledge Handbook of Global Land and Resource Grabbing, Routledge, New York. Full Text

Schetter, C., Mkutu, K., & Müller-Koné, M. 2022. ‘Frontier NGOs: Conservancies, control, and violence in northern Kenya’ World Development, Vol. 151, March 2022. 105735. DOI

Mkutu, K., Anderson, D., Lugusa, K., & Owino, E. (2022). Water Governance, Institutions and Conflicts in the Maasai Rangelands. The Journal of Environment & Development, 1-26. Link

Schetter, C. & Müller-Koné, M. 2020. ‘Frontier – ein Gegenbegriff zur Grenze?’, in D Gerst, M. Klessmann & H Krämer (eds) Handbuch Grenzforschung, Frankfurt: Nomos, pp. 235-248. Link

Schetter, C. & Müller-Koné, M. 2021. ‘Frontiers’ violence’. The interplay of state of exception, frontier habitus, and organized violence, Political Geography 87 (May). Link

Project News

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CRC Future Rural Africa at Kenya @60 Conference

26 – 27 October 2023 Prof. Kennedy Mkutu of Project B03 Violent Futures is a contributor in the “Kenya @60 Conference” at USIU-Africa in Nairobi. ...
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CRC Researcher Evelyne Owino during a presentation in June of 2023

CRC-TRR 228 Future Rural Africa Researcher Evelyne Owino at the Conference on Natural Resource Management and Conflict in Africa

TUE I June 27, 2023 I Copenhagen, Denmark Evelyne Owino, researcher from Project B03 “Violent Futures” gave a presentation at the Conference on Natural Resource ...
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New Publication: Large Infrastructure Projects and Cascading Land Grabs – The Case of Northern Kenya

By Evelyne Owino (Project B03 Violent Futures), Kennedy Mkutu (Project B03 Violent Futures) and Charis Enns. Abstract From around the beginning of the current millennium, ...
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The Logo of ECAS Conference 2023

CRC-TRR Future Rural Africa at ECAS 2023

As ECAS 2023 is set to begin in Cologne on May 31, we are not only thrilled to announce that the CRC Future Rural Africa ...
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Call for Papers: Infrastructure and Conflict in the Greater Horn of Africa

9:00am – 4:00pm, Thursday 27 October 2022, School of Humanities, United States International University, Nairobi, Kenya (virtual and in-person attendance)   Infrastructure development has experienced ...
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Team Members

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Dr. Lucy Massoi

Mzumbe University

Mueller Kone Marie Profilbild

Marie Müller-Konè

Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies

Prof. Kennedy Mkutu B03 Violent Futures

Prof. Dr. Kennedy Mkutu

United States International University - Africa

elizabeth ndunda Violent-Futures

Elizabeth Ndunda

ZEF, University of Bonn


Evelyne Owino

Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies


Prof. Dr. Conrad Schetter

Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies

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Dr. Venance Shillingi

Mzumbe University

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