CRC Lecture Series 08.07.2019: Progressive Masculinities – A critical examination of possibilities to enable freedom of choice and equity beyond the strict gender-binary

by Muriel Aichberger 

A new fashionable term occured in masculinity studies several years ago: toxic masculinity describes the negative side effects of the hegemonic image of masculinity. This image affects men in their behaviour and thus society as a whole. However, there seem to be no alternatives to the toxic hegemonic way of being masculine. Especially the strict hierarchal binary in which men face sanctions if they behave effeminately, which is perceived ‘unmanly’, makes being a ‘good man’ seem to be impossible. But is it really?

Based on Connell’s hegemonic masculinity and the younger concept of progressive masculinities, the presentation investigates the precondition and the potential of a politically aware and responsible understanding of progressive masculine gender-performances. Especially traditions of non-hegemonic masculinities can help imagining a way into a future where a variety of gender-performances can coexist as equally valid and possible.

PMs are understood as a way of escaping the toxic effects of hegemonic gender performance and show possibilities as an alternative and a link between the strict gender-binary and a gender-diverse future, also stating that queerness and political awareness are a crucial part of a new understanding of masculinities.

Time: 16:15 – 17:45

Venue: Geographisches Institut der Universität zu Köln, Otto-Fischer-Straße 4, Ü3

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