CRC TRR 228 Project Z02

Z02 Data Management and Services (INF)

Z02 Data Management and Services (INF)

Project Summary

Management and sustainable provision of research data have been recognized as central tasks in interdisciplinary research efforts. In the first funding phase, the service project Z02 (INF) has successfully established a sustainable in-house developed and implemented RDM infrastructure according to DFG and CRC demands. The TRR228 database/data repository is online accessible ( and enables the secure, stable and multi-user operable long-term storage of all project data. Consequently, the focus of our project will be on further maintenance and development of the TRR228 database system according to project needs as well as demands from used standards and interfaces (e.g. ensuring interoperability of the established metadata schema and DOI system). Further major work packages are the continuous RDM training and support of all project members. Additionally, we will support several research projects with GIS and remote sensing data acquisition and analyses. For instance, land-use and land-cover change analyses from high-resolution satellite data from the 1960s onwards in close cooperation with research project A05.

Research data management (RDM) consists of all processes and measures to ensure research data is well organized, documented, preserved, stored, backed up, accessible, available and re-usable. RDM infrastructures can improve collaboration between scientists and link research results, and is crucial for developing synergies in large, long-term interdisciplinary research projects. Metadata is important to find, re-use, and understand research data. Technical and social problems might occur and can lead to data loss. Thus, intensive training and support, as well as incentives need to be implemented.

NF (Z02) has a central role within the CRC to continue the provision of RDM data services for storage, documentation, (re-)use and exchange of all relevant project data (e.g. quantitative and qualitative interview data, survey results, maps and GIS data) within the framework of our established TRR228 database/data repository. Additionally, RDM training workshops will be offered to all project members as well as GIS and remote sensing support to serve selected projects.

• Survey of demands and needs of RDM and data services
• Maintenance and further development of the data repository
• Further development and update of the corresponding metadata system
• Maintenance and update of the DOI system
• Data management training and support for all CRC Members
• GIS and remote sensing support
• Data mining and harvesting of existing satellite archives from the 1960s onwards
• Pre-processing of satellite data
• Land-use and land-cover change analysis of remote sensing data from the1960s onwards

1. Online survey on demands and needs of data management services among all CRC-TRR 228 project members

2. Successful establishment of the TRR228 database as a central data repository for all types of CRC228 project data. The database is accessible online at since November 2018

3. Development of a project specific metadata schema to ensure a sufficient description of all types of project data from different scientific disciplines (Kramm and Curdt, 2020).

4. Establishment of a DOI application system for datasets in the TRR228DB.

5. Organization of regular trainings and workshops on data management topics and the handling of the database for interdisciplinary research groups

6. Implementation of the Transdisciplinary Diary (TDD) for internal sharing of field observations and ideas.

7. Elaboration of CRC-TRR228 Project Database Data Policy and adoption to the CRC-TRR 228 statutes to provide directives and rules for data provision, exchange and reuse

The handling of research data and provision of appropriate services will also be of great importance in the 2nd funding phase of the CRC-TRR228. Thus, project Z02 (INF) will continue the maintenance and further development of the TRR228 database system (TRR228DB) according to project needs, as well as demands from used standards and interfaces (e.g. metadata interoperability). Furthermore, continuous training and support of CRC members on the use of the database system and on general research data management topics will be provided. As an additional task in phase 2, we will support CRC projects with GIS and Remote Sensing services. This includes the data mining and pre-processing of satellite data, as well as the provision of Land-Use and Land-Cover (LULCC) classification maps from high resolution satellite imagery. Furthermore, a change detection analysis of these LULCC maps from the 1960s onwards will be conducted for selected study sites in close cooperation with the new subproject A05.


Biber-Freudenberger, L., Bogner, C., Bareth, G., Bollig, M., Dannenberg, P., Revilla Diez, J., Greiner, C., Mtweve, P. J., Klagge, B., Kramm, T., Müller-Mahn, D., Moseti, V., Nyamari, N., Ochuodho, D. O., Kuntashula, E., Theodory, T., Thorn, J., Börner, J. 2025. Impacts of road development in sub-Saharan Africa: A call for holistic perspectives in research and policy. iScience, Volume 28, Issue 2. DOI

Curdt, C. 2019. ‘Supporting the Interdisciplinary, Long-term Research Project ‘Patterns in Soil- Vegetation-Atmosphere-Systems’ by Data Management Services‘, Data Science Journal, vol. 18, no 5: pp. 1-9.

Curdt, C., Hoffmeister, D., Kramm, T., Bareth, G. & Lang, U. 2019. ‘Etablierung von Forschungsdatenmanagement-Services in geowissenschaftlichen Sonderforschungsbereichen am Beispiel des SFB/Transregio 32, SFB 1211 und SFB/ Transregio 228‘, Bausteine Forschungsdatenmanagement, Nr. 2 (September), pp. 61-67.

Dierkes, J. & Curdt, C. 2018. ‘Von der Idee zum Konzept – Forschungsdatenmanagement an der Universität zu Köln‘, o-bib. Das offene Bibliotheksjournal, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 28-46.

Hütt, C., Waldhoff, G., & Bareth, G. 2020. ‘Fusion of Sentinel-1 with official topographic and cadastral geodata for crop-type enriched LULC mapping using FOSS and open data‘, ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf, vol. 9, no 2, 120.

Willmes, C., Viehberg, F., Esteban Lopez, S. & Bareth, G. 2018. ‘CRC806-KB: A Semantic MediaWiki Based Collaborative Knowledge Base for an Interdisciplinary Research Project‘, Data, vol.3, no.4, 44. doi

Willmes, C., Kürner, D. & Bareth, G. 2014. ‘Building Research Data Management Infrastructure using Open Source Software’, Transactions in GIS, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 496- 509.

Kramm, T. & Curdt, C. 2020. ‘TRR228 Metadata Schema for the Description of Research Data in the TRR228DB – Version 5.0’, CRC/TRR228 Database (TRR228DB). doi

Team Members

Z02 Bareth Georg

Prof. Dr. Georg Bareth

University of Cologne

Z02 Kramm Tanja

Dr. Tanja Kramm

University of Cologne

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