Lecture: Towards Equitable Partnerships and Meaningful Dialogue in South-North-South Collaboration – Prof. Dr. Dorothea Kleine

Time: 16 October 2024 I 14:00 – 16:00 Uhr 

Venue: Festsaal, Universität Bonn, Hauptgebäude, Regina-Pacis-Weg 3, 53113 Bonn

Language: Englisch

Registration: Please register via this link

Towards Equitable Partnerships and Meaningful Dialogue in South-North-South Collaboration

Prof. Dorothea Kleine is the Director of the Institute for Global Sustainable Development at the University of Sheffield, where she leads the research group “Digital Technologies, Data, and Innovation (DDI).” She is a Professor of Human Geography and her research focuses on sustainable human development and global justice, with a particular emphasis on the role of digital technologies in implementing solutions. Dorothea Kleine has published numerous works on the potential and ethical challenges of digitalization for sustainable development in both the Global South and North. A key focus of her work is on the perspectives and innovative activities of marginalized groups.

Dorothea Kleine is especially well-known for her theoretical work on the capabilities approach, which she presented in her book Technologies of Choice?. She advocates for a sustainable approach that prioritizes people, justice, and the environment.

Prof. Kleine combines conceptual work and empirical research with policy advice at the international level, as well as local participatory action research and co-design with partners. She has led or participated in many international and interdisciplinary projects and has conducted research in Latin America, Africa, Europe, and the Middle East.

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