Recipients Announced: “Future Rural Africa” Female Researchers Grant 2022

FEMALE RESEARCHER’S GRANT 2022The Future Rural Africa board for gender equality and diversity is pleased to announce the recipients of the two “Future Rural Africa Female Researcher’s Grants” of 2022. Recipients will receive a contribution of 5000 Euros for their respective research projects.

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Zainab Ramadhan, recipient “Future Rural Africa Female Researchers Grant” 2022

Zainab Ramadhan: Remote learning during covid-19 pandemic; an exploration of girls’ access to mobile digital phones. A case of Kwale County, Kenya

Zainab is a high school teacher by profession (Swahili/Geography) and a part-time lecturer at Moi University. She holds a master’s degree in Education Research from Nelson Mandela University, South Africa and Diploma in Education Leadership and Management from KEMI. In her research project, she will explore the girls’ access to mobile digital phones to provide more insights on the breakthrough of digital learning opportunities and privileges during covid-19 pandemic. In this context, she will investigate how girls were prepared to use mobile phones in learning during lockdown as well as gender specific accessibility issues and the community perception on girls using mobile phones in learning.

Alice Kosgei and Marther Ngigi: Assessment of role of youth farmers in adoption of climate-smart agriculture strategies for food security: a case of Machakos County

Alice holds a PhD in Plant Breeding from the University of Ghana and is a lecturer in Plant Breeding and Agronomy at Machakos University. Marther has a PhD in Agricultural/Development Economics from the University of Bonn and is a researcher, lecturer and consultant in agricultural economics. In their joint research project, they will examine the role youth farmers play in the adoption of climate-smart agriculture strategies for sustainable food security, income, and mitigating climate change in Machakos County. In light of youth’s crucial role in current and future food systems, the project will explore distinctive climate-smart technologies and their potential for scaling up.

We are looking forward to our collaboration and are excited for the research’s findings.

We wish Zainab, Alice and Marther much success in their projects and want to thank all the other applicants!

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