“Multispecies encounters in Conservation Landscapes in Southern Africa”: CRC-TRR Researchers Léa Lacan, Hauke-Peter Vehrs and Michael Bollig Edit Special Issue of Anthropology Southern Africa

Researchers Léa Lacan, Hauke-Peter Vehrs and Michael Bollig (Project A04 Future Conservation) are the editors of the recently published special issue of Anthropology Southern Africa titled “Multispecies encounters in Conservation Landscapes in Southern Africa”. The volume features a total of eight articles with contributions by researchers associated with the Collaborative Research Centre Future Rural Africa:

  • Lacan, L., Vehrs, H. P., & Bollig, M. 2024. Introduction: Multispecies encounters in conservation landscapes in Southern Africa. Anthropology Southern Africa, 47(2), 109–117. DOI
  • Lacan, L. 2024. Killing tsetse and/or saving wildlife? A multispecies assemblage in colonial Zambia (1895–1959). Anthropology Southern Africa, 47(2), 133–151. DOI
  • Vehrs, H. P. 2024. Hunting the hippo: a brief history of wildlife hunting and the reconfiguration of animal-human relations in Namibia’s Zambezi region. Anthropology Southern Africa, 47(2), 152–166. DOI
  • Bollig, M. 2024. Wildlife corridors in a Southern African conservation landscape: the political ecology of multispecies mobilities along the arteries of anthropogenic conservation. Anthropology Southern Africa, 47(2), 216–235. DOI
  • Alexiou, P., Brekl, J., Köhler, E., & van Engelen, W. 2024. Performing multispecies studies in Southern Africa: historical legacies, marginalised subjects, reflexive positionalities. Anthropology Southern Africa, 47(2), 254–267. DOI
  • Vehrs, H. P., Lacan, L., & Bollig, M. 2024. Conclusion: Situating multispecies relations in Southern Africa in their local historical and political contexts. Anthropology Southern Africa, 47(2), 268–273. DOI
  • Lenggenhager, L., Miescher, G., Nghitevelekwa, R., & Akawa, M. 2024. Crossing Etosha: a history of donkeys in Namibia’s central north. Anthropology Southern Africa, 47(2), 167–182. DOI
  • Nghitevelekwa, R., Lendelvo, S., Nakanyete, F. N., Likuwa, K., Matengu, K., & Mushavanga, D. 2024. “We have that connection, we have love; we take wildlife as gifts from our ancestors”: relations between antelopes and Khwe in Namibia’s Bwabwata National ParkAnthropology Southern Africa, 47(2), 183–196. DOI

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