Public Programme: African Futures all around

Against the backdrop of ECAS 9 “African Futures”, the city of Cologne has made a considerable sum available to organize the “African Futures – all around” public programme in collaboration with the Global South Studies Center (GSSC, University of Cologne), as well as Afro-Diasporic and other civil initiatives and cultural platforms.

“African Futures – all around” aims to highlights the creativity and complexity of modern Africa and its diaspora and to make the discussions and outcomes of the scientific conference accessible to a wider, interested public. The programme consists of panels, lectures, workshops, discussions, theatre, film, music, literature, art and performances.

The CRC Future Rural Africa will play a major role at ECAS Conference, hosting several events, such as the round table discussion “African Energy Futures – Navigating sustainability, electrification and export opportunities” and more. Stay tuned for furhter updates of the CRC’s participation at ECAS conference!

Please, find the complete programme here:

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